This category in the National Tidy Towns is very topical in today's society with the emphasis very much on Green and sustainable living. It focuses on activities that address issues of waste and throw away culture. Furthermore it aims at helping communities to understand the importance of waste management, help promote a culture of reusing, recycling, minimisation and ideally rethinking our actions in terms of waste with a view to achieving Zero/No Waste. This section also focuses on how our community can promote efficient use of resources (e.g. water, energy, transport are all extremely important.
Over the past 10 years volunteers and community groups in Glaslough have been doing our bit in this category and in 2015 we were delighted to win the EPA National Award for Waste Prevention and Resource Management. In addition, the children and teachers from St Mary's NS have achieved 5 green flags and continue to engage in many topics involved with this Green Schools programme. The school is due to complete their 6th Green Flag in May 2018- Global Citizenship.
This category in the National Tidy Towns is very topical in today's society with the emphasis very much on Green and sustainable living. It focuses on activities that address issues of waste and throw away culture. Furthermore it aims at helping communities to understand the importance of waste management, help promote a culture of reusing, recycling, minimisation and ideally rethinking our actions in terms of waste with a view to achieving Zero/No Waste. This section also focuses on how our community can promote efficient use of resources (e.g. water, energy, transport are all extremely important.
Over the past 10 years volunteers and community groups in Glaslough have been doing our bit in this category and in 2015 we were delighted to win the EPA National Award for Waste Prevention and Resource Management. In addition, the children and teachers from St Mary's NS have achieved 5 green flags and continue to engage in many topics involved with this Green Schools programme. The school is due to complete their 6th Green Flag in May 2018- Global Citizenship.
Ongoing projects