Glaslough Waterlinks Project
The impetus for this project was convenience for volunteers when watering the flowers and shrubs during the summer particularly when one considers the likely rise in water costs with the introduction of Irish Water.. The Glaslough Water link project was modelled on the idea of ‘Banklinks’ and the accessibility for users. Instead of getting money out where there is a small cost, people could get water out for free!. This innovative project was developed using recycled materials. Each Waterlinks consist of two metal oil containers which are fitted with old taps. These units are enclosed in a timber unit with a small gate for access for all members of the public. The tops of the barrels are perforated to allow the rainwater to fill. The taps are fitted 14 inches of the ground to facilitate filling a watering can with ease.
A specially designed sign detailing the location and purpose of the Waterlinks are applied to each Waterlinks. A map illustrating the six locations is also included on the About Glaslough information sign in the Diamond area of the village. The units are fairly mobile enabling them to be relocated if necessary. Detailed below are the locations of the signs and the Waterlinks. This project was part funded by Monaghan County council and the EPA.
A specially designed sign detailing the location and purpose of the Waterlinks are applied to each Waterlinks. A map illustrating the six locations is also included on the About Glaslough information sign in the Diamond area of the village. The units are fairly mobile enabling them to be relocated if necessary. Detailed below are the locations of the signs and the Waterlinks. This project was part funded by Monaghan County council and the EPA.